
General help

Open your command prompt or powershell and type:

pgnhelper --help
usage: pgnhelper [-h] [-v] {sort,addeco,roundrobin,standing} ...

positional arguments:
    sort                Sort the games from the given pgn file based on the given game tags. e.g. pgnhelper sort mygames.pgn --outpgnfn out.pgn --sort-tag opening --sort-
                        direction hightolow
    addeco              Add eco and ecot codes, opening and variation names to the input pgn file. The eco, opening etc. are from the given input file eco.pgn. e.g.
                        pgnhelper addeco --inpgnfn mygames.pgn --inecopgnfn eco.pgn --outpgnfn out.pgn
    roundrobin          Generate round-robin table results from the input pgn file. The output can be html, csv and txt. e.g. pgnhelper roundrobin --inpgnfn candidates.pgn
                        --output candidates.html
    standing            Generates a standings from the input pgn file. The output can be html, csv and txt. e.g. pgnhelper standing --inpgnfn candidates.pgn --output

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Sort help

pgnhelper sort --help
usage: pgnhelper sort [-h] --inpgnfn INPGNFN --outpgnfn OUTPGNFN [--sort-tag SORT_TAG] [--sort-direction SORT_DIRECTION] [--encoding ENCODING]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --inpgnfn INPGNFN     Write the input pgn filename, required.
  --outpgnfn OUTPGNFN   Write the output pgn filename, required, mode=overwrite.
  --sort-tag SORT_TAG   Sort the games by tag. [default=eco, value=(eco | ecot | event | date | round | white | black | site | plycount)]. e.g. --sort-tag event
  --sort-direction SORT_DIRECTION
                        Write the direction to sort the games. [default=lowtohigh, value=(lowtohigh | hightolow)].
  --encoding ENCODING   Encoding used in reading pgn file when sorting, not required. [default=utf-8, value=(utf-8 | ISO-8859-1)]. If you encounter an error like
                        "UnicodeDecodeError: utf-8 codec cannot decode ..." you can try, --encoding ISO-8859-1

Add eco help

pgnhelper addeco --help
usage: pgnhelper addeco [-h] --inpgnfn INPGNFN --outpgnfn OUTPGNFN --inecopgnfn INECOPGNFN

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --inpgnfn INPGNFN     Write the input pgn filename, required.
  --outpgnfn OUTPGNFN   Write the output pgn filename, required, mode=overwrite.
  --inecopgnfn INECOPGNFN
                        Write the reference eco.pgn filename, required.

Round-robin help

pgnhelper roundrobin --help
usage: pgnhelper roundrobin [-h] --inpgnfn INPGNFN --output OUTPUT [--win-point WIN_POINT] [--draw-point DRAW_POINT] [--armageddon-file ARMAGEDDON_FILE] [--win-point-arm WIN_POINT_ARM]
                        [--loss-point-arm LOSS_POINT_ARM] [--show-max-score]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --inpgnfn INPGNFN     Write the input pgn filename, required.
  --output OUTPUT       Write the output filename, required, can be .html, .csv or .txt, like out.txt
  --win-point WIN_POINT
                        The point when the player wins, default=1.0
  --draw-point DRAW_POINT
                        The point when the player draws, default=0.5
  --armageddon-file ARMAGEDDON_FILE
                        The armageddon pgn file, not required, default=None, if the tournament is governed by armageddon tie-break system, you need to intput the armageddon pgn file.
  --win-point-arm WIN_POINT_ARM
                        The point when one player wins the armageddon match, not required, default=1.0
  --loss-point-arm LOSS_POINT_ARM
                        The point when one player loses the armageddon match, not required, default=0.0
  --show-max-score      A flag to show MaxScore column in the table, can be useful when scoring is not standard.