Source code for

"""Add eco, opening and variation names to the input pgn file.

The eco codes, opening and variations names are coming from
the file eco.pgn that you have to supply to pgnhelper for this to work.

eco.pgn file sources:

  * eco.pgn from `pgn-extract <>`_
  * eco.pgn from `my eco repository in github <>`_
  * eco.pgn from `pgnhelper repository <>`_


  >>> import
  >>>"./pgn/candidates_zurich_1953.pgn", "eco_cz.pgn", "./eco/eco.pgn")

Example output from ``eco_cz.pgn``::

  [Event "ct"]
  [Site "Zurich"]
  [Date "1953.??.??"]
  [Round "01"]
  [White "Szabo L"]
  [Black "Geller E"]
  [Result "0-1"]
  [ECO "A15"]
  [ECOT "E02"]
  [Opening "English"]
  [OpeningT "Catalan"]
  [Variation "Anglo-Indian"]
  [VariationT "open, 5.Qa4"]

  1. c4 Nf6 2. g3 e6 3. Bg2 d5 4. d4 dxc4 5. Qa4+ Nbd7 ...

Note there are ``ECOT, OpeningT, and VariationT,`` these are new tags where
T refers to ``Transposition.`` The ECO ``A15`` is the ECO based on the first
2 moves and ECOT ``E02`` is the ECO after 12 moves.

import chess.pgn
import pandas as pd
import pgnhelper.record

[docs]def create_eco_db(inecopgnfn: str): """Creats a dictionary of eco data. Args: inecopgnfn: The eco.pgn file to be converted to a dictionary. """ eco_db = {} with open(inecopgnfn, 'r') as f: while True: game = chess.pgn.read_game(f) if game is None: break try: eco = game.headers['ECO'] except KeyError: continue try: opening = game.headers['Opening'] except KeyError: continue try: variation = game.headers['Variation'] except KeyError: variation = None node = game node_end = node.end() end_board = node_end.board() epd = end_board.epd() eco_db.update({epd: {'eco': eco, 'opening': opening, 'variation': variation}}) return eco_db
[docs]def add_eco(inpgnfn: str, outpgnfn: str, inecopgnfn: str, ply: int = 4, maxply: int = 24): """Add eco, opening and variation names to the pgn file. Args: inpgnfn: The input pgn file. outpgnfn: The output file. inecopgnfn: The eco.pgn file. ply: The game ply to start classifying the opening. maxply: The max game ply to stop classifying the opening. """ eco_db = create_eco_db(inecopgnfn) with open(outpgnfn, 'w') as w: with open(inpgnfn, 'r') as f: while True: game = chess.pgn.read_game(f) if game is None: break first_eco, eco_t = None, None first_opening, opening_t = None, None first_variation, variation_t = None, None for node in game.mainline(): board = node.board() gply = board.ply() epd = board.epd() # After the first move check the position if it is in eco db. if gply >= 1: if epd in eco_db: # Update first eco up to a given ply only. if gply <= ply: first_eco = eco_db[epd]['eco'] first_opening = eco_db[epd]['opening'] first_variation = eco_db[epd]['variation'] # Else update eco by transposition. else: eco_t = eco_db[epd]['eco'] opening_t = eco_db[epd]['opening'] variation_t = eco_db[epd]['variation'] if gply >= maxply: break mygame = game if first_eco is not None: mygame.headers['ECO'] = first_eco mygame.headers['Opening'] = first_opening if first_variation is not None: mygame.headers['Variation'] = first_variation if eco_t is not None: mygame.headers['ECOT'] = eco_t mygame.headers['OpeningT'] = opening_t if variation_t is not None: mygame.headers['VariationT'] = variation_t w.write(f'{mygame}\n\n')
[docs]def get_opening_stats(fn: str, is_arm: bool = False): """Generates a dataframe of opening stats. Opening, counts Sicilian, 4 ........, ... Args: fn: The pgn filename. Returns: A dataframe of Opening and count """ df, _, _ = pgnhelper.record.get_pgn_data(fn, is_arm=is_arm) opening = df.Opening.unique() data = [] for o in opening: dfo = df.loc[df.Opening == o] data.append([o, len(dfo)]) dfr = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Opening', 'Count']) dfr = dfr.sort_values(by=['Count', 'Opening'], ascending=[False, True]) dfr = dfr.reset_index(drop=True) dfr['Count%'] = round(100 * dfr.Count / dfr.Count.sum(), 2) return dfr