Source code for pgnhelper.elo

from typing import Union

import pandas as pd

[docs]def expected_score(rating_a: int, rating_b: int) -> float: """Calculates the expected score of player_a against player_b. Args: rating_a: Rating of player_a rating_b: Rating of player_b Returns: expected score of player_a Example:: >>> import pgnhelper.elo >>> white_elo = 2600 >>> black_elo = 2500 >>> score = pgnhelper.elo.expected_score(white_elo, black_elo) >>> score 0.6400649998028851 """ rd = rating_b - rating_a return 1 / (1 + 10 ** (rd / 400))
[docs]def add_rating_change(df: pd.DataFrame, is_rating: bool, k: int = 10) -> pd.DataFrame: """Adds rating change columns to existing df. Args: df: A dataframe of players match records. is_rating: True if players have rating. k: The k factor. Returns: A dataframe of game records with elo rating change columns. [Round, White, Black, WElo, BElo, Result, Wpt, Bpt, Arm, WRChg, BRChg] """ if not is_rating: df['WRChg'] = 0 df['BRChg'] = 0 else: df['WRChg'] = k * (df.Wpt - expected_score(df.WElo, df.BElo)) df['BRChg'] = k * (df.Bpt - expected_score(df.BElo, df.WElo)) return df
[docs]def get_rating(df: pd.DataFrame, p: str) -> Union[int, str]: """Gets the rating of player p. Args: df: A dataframe of players match records. p: A player name. Returns: rating of player p """ dfr = df.loc[df.White == p] if len(dfr): return dfr.iloc[0]['WElo'] dfr = df.loc[df.Black == p] if len(dfr): return dfr.iloc[0]['BElo'] return '?'
[docs]def get_rating_change(df: pd.DataFrame, p: str, k: int = 10) -> float: """Gets the rating change of player p. The given df has a rating change column for each side. This rating change column was calculated using a k factor with value 10. The k parameter if not 10 will be used to recalculate the rating change for the given player. Armageddon games are not included in the returned rating change value. Args: df: A dataframe of players match records. p: A player named p. k: The rating change k factor. Returns: rating change Eample 1, get the rating change of a player in the PGN file:: >>> import pgnhelper.record >>> import pgnhelper.elo >>> df, players, is_rating = pgnhelper.record.get_pgn_data("./pgn/superbet_classic_2022_bucharest.pgn") >>> players ['Firouzja, Alireza', 'Aronian, Levon', 'So, Wesley', 'Nepomniachtchi, Ian', 'Caruana, Fabiano', 'Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime', 'Deac, Bogdan-Daniel', 'Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar', 'Dominguez Perez, Leinier', 'Rapport, Richard'] >>> rc_levon = pgnhelper.elo.get_rating_change(df, "Aronian, Levon", k=10) >>> rc_levon 9.496967974633389 Eample 2, get the rating change of black player:: >>> import pgnhelper.elo >>> white_rating = 2700 >>> black_rating = 2600 >>> black_point = 1 >>> white_point = 0 >>> expected_score = pgnhelper.elo.expected_score(black_rating, white_rating) >>> k = 10 >>> rating_change = k * (black_point - expected_score) >>> rating_change 6.400649998028851 """ dfw = df.loc[(df.White == p) & (df.Arm == 0)] dfb = df.loc[(df.Black == p) & (df.Arm == 0)] s = dfw.WRChg.sum() + dfb.BRChg.sum() if k != 10: s = s / 10 return k * s return s