Source code for pgnhelper.sort

"""Sort games by game tags.

from typing import List
from operator import attrgetter

[docs]class Game: """Manages sorting of games. """ def __init__(self): self.lines = [] self.event = '' = '' = '' self.round = '' self.white = '' = '' = '' self.ecot = '' self.plycount = ''
[docs] def add_line(self, line: str): """Saves lines read from each game. Args: line: A line read from the game. """ self.lines.append(line) if line.startswith('[ECO '): = line elif line.startswith('[ECOT '): self.ecot = line elif line.startswith('[Event '): self.event = line elif line.startswith('[Site '): = line elif line.startswith('[Date '): = line elif line.startswith('[Round '): self.round = line elif line.startswith('[White '): self.white = line elif line.startswith('[Black '): = line elif line.startswith('[PlyCount '): self.plycount = line
[docs]def read_games(inpgnfn: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> List[Game]: """Read games from input pgn file. Args: inpgnfn: The input pgn file. encoding: Encoding used in reading a file. If you encounter a ``UnicodeDecodeError`` we can use ``ISO-8859-1`` instead of ``utf-8.`` Returns: A list of Game objects. """ games, current = [], None with open(inpgnfn, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('[Event '): if current: games.append(current) current = Game() current.add_line(line) if current: games.append(current) return games
[docs]def save_games(games: List[Game], outpgnfn: str): """Save the games to output file. Args: games: A list of games. outpgnfn: The output file. """ with open(outpgnfn, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: for game in games: for line in game.lines: f.write(line)
[docs]def sort_games(inpgnfn: str, outpgnfn: str, sort_tag: str, sort_direction: str, encoding: str = 'utf-8') -> None: """Sort based on criteria and save the games. Read the input pgn file, sort it and save the sorted games in output file. The input file is not changed. Args: inpgnfn: The input pgn file. outpgnfn: The output pgn file. sort_tag: The sorting criteria, can be event, site, date, round, white, black and eco. sort_direction: Direction can be hightolow or lowtohigh. encoding: Encoding used in reading the input file. """ games = read_games(inpgnfn, encoding=encoding) sort_value = False if sort_direction == 'lowtohigh' else True sort_tag = sort_tag.lower() if sort_tag == 'ecot': s = sorted(games, key=attrgetter('eco'), reverse=sort_value) games = sorted(s, key=attrgetter(sort_tag), reverse=sort_value) elif sort_tag == 'eco': s = sorted(games, key=attrgetter('ecot'), reverse=sort_value) games = sorted(s, key=attrgetter(sort_tag), reverse=sort_value) else: games = sorted(games, key=attrgetter(sort_tag), reverse=sort_value) save_games(games, outpgnfn)