Source code for pgnhelper.tiebreak

"""Generates tie-break points on tied players.

Tie-breaks supported:
  * Direct Encounter
  * Number of wins
  * Sonneborn-Berger
  * Koya system

from typing import List, Dict

import pandas as pd
import pgnhelper.utility

def played_each_other(result_df, tie_df) -> bool:
    players = list(tie_df.Name)
    for p in players:
        for m in players:
            if p == m:
            dfw = result_df.loc[(result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Black == m)]
            dfb = result_df.loc[(result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.White == m)]
            if len(dfw) + len(dfb) == 0:
                return False
    return True

[docs]def num_wins(result_df: pd.DataFrame, ranking_df: pd.DataFrame, label: str = 'Wins', bwins: bool = False) -> pd.DataFrame: """Creates a dataframe with Win column. If a game has an armageddon tie-break, we will only count the number of wins based from the normal game only. Args: result_df: The result dataframe. ranking_df: Ranking of players based on score. label: The label or header of the resulting dataframe. bwins: If true then only count wins by black. If not count all wins. Returns: A dataframe of ranking with Wins column for tie-break. """ ret = ranking_df.copy() players = list(ret.Name) tb = {} for _, g in ret.groupby(['Score']): if len(g) > 1: for p in g.Name: if not bwins: df_w = result_df.loc[(result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Result == '1-0') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] else: df_w = pd.DataFrame() df_b = result_df.loc[(result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.Result == '0-1') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] num_wins = len(df_w) + len(df_b) tb.update({p: num_wins}) # Create new column Wins. wins = [] for p in players: if p in tb: wins.append(tb[p]) else: wins.append(0) ret[label] = wins return ret
[docs]def direct_encounter(result_df: pd.DataFrame, ranking_df: pd.DataFrame, winpoint: float = 1.0, drawpoint: float = 0.5, winpointarm: float = 1.5, losspointarm: float = 1.0, label: str = 'DE') -> pd.DataFrame: """Creates a dataframe with DE column or direct encounter. Requirement: It is only applied when tied players have played each other. In round-robin format this can be applied automatically. But for swiss format, the tied players have to be checked. """ players = list(ranking_df.Name) tb = {} ret: pd.DataFrame = ranking_df.copy() for _, g in ret.groupby(['Score']): if len(g) > 1: if played_each_other(result_df, g): for p in g.Name: s = 0 for op in g.Name: if p == op: continue score = pgnhelper.utility.get_encounter_score( result_df, p, op, winpoint, drawpoint, winpointarm, losspointarm) s += score[0] tb.update({p: {op: s}}) # Create new column DE. de = [] for p in players: if p in tb: s = 0 for k, v in tb.items(): if k == p: for _, v1 in v.items(): s += v1 de.append(s) else: de.append(0) ret[label] = de return ret
[docs]def sonneborn_berger(result_df: pd.DataFrame, ranking_df: pd.DataFrame, gpe: int = 1, winpoint: float = 1.0, drawpoint: float = 0.5, label: str = 'SB') -> pd.DataFrame: """Creates a dataframe with SB column for Sonneborn-Berger score. Armageddon games currently are excluded in the calculation. Args: result_df: A dataframe of [Round, White, Black, Result]. ranking_df: A dataframe of standing, [Name, Games, Score]. gpe: games per encounter Returns: A dataframe of round-robin result table. """ tb: Dict[str, int] = {} ret: pd.DataFrame = ranking_df.copy() players = list(ret.Name) # 1. Loop thru the tied players. for _, g in ret.groupby(['Score']): if len(g) > 1: for p in g['Name']: tb_score = 0 for m in players: if p == m: continue match_score = 0 # 2. Get the score when player wins or draws. df_ww = result_df.loc[ (result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Black == m) & (result_df.Result == '1-0') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_wd = result_df.loc[ (result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Black == m) & (result_df.Result == '1/2-1/2') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_bw = result_df.loc[ (result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.White == m) & (result_df.Result == '0-1') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_bd = result_df.loc[ (result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.White == m) & (result_df.Result == '1/2-1/2') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] # 3. Calculate the scores. match_score += (winpoint * len(df_ww) + winpoint * len(df_bw) + len(df_wd) * drawpoint + len(df_bd) * drawpoint) if match_score > drawpoint * gpe: tb_score += ret.loc[ret.Name == m].Score.iloc[0] elif match_score == drawpoint * gpe: tb_score += ret.loc[ret.Name == m].Score.iloc[0] / 2 tb.update({p: tb_score}) # 4. Create new column SB. tb_sb: List = [] for p in players: if p not in tb: tb_sb.append(0) continue tb_sb.append(tb[p]) ret[label] = tb_sb return ret
[docs]def koya_system(result_df: pd.DataFrame, ranking_df: pd.DataFrame, winpoint: float = 1.0, drawpoint: float = 0.5) -> pd.DataFrame: """Creates a dataframe with Koya column for Koya system score. Koya system - the number of points achieved against all opponents who have achieved 50 % or more., Args: result_df: A dataframe of [Round, White, Black, Result ...]. ranking_df: A dataframe of standing, [Name, Games, Score]. Returns: A ranking dataframe with Koya column. """ tb: Dict[str, int] = {} ret: pd.DataFrame = ranking_df.copy() players = list(ret.Name) # Get player dataframe who score 50% and above. df50 = ranking_df.copy() df50['Score%'] = 100 * df50['Score'] / df50['Games'] df50 = df50.loc[df50['Score%'] >= 50.0] # 1. Loop thru the tied players. for _, g in ret.groupby(['Score']): if len(g) > 1: for p in g['Name']: tb_score = 0 for m in players: if p == m: continue if m not in df50.Name.unique(): continue # 2. Get the score when player wins or draws, excluding armageddon games. df_ww = result_df.loc[ (result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Black == m) & (result_df.Result == '1-0') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_wd = result_df.loc[ (result_df.White == p) & (result_df.Black == m) & (result_df.Result == '1/2-1/2') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_bw = result_df.loc[ (result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.White == m) & (result_df.Result == '0-1') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] df_bd = result_df.loc[ (result_df.Black == p) & (result_df.White == m) & (result_df.Result == '1/2-1/2') & (result_df.Arm == 0)] # 3. Get the total score. tb_score += (winpoint * len(df_ww) + winpoint * len(df_bw) + len(df_wd) * drawpoint + len(df_bd) * drawpoint) tb.update({p: tb_score}) # 4. Create new column Koya. tb_sb: List = [] for p in players: if p not in tb: tb_sb.append(0) continue tb_sb.append(tb[p]) ret['Koya'] = tb_sb return ret
[docs]def tb_buchholz(record_df: pd.DataFrame, rank_df: pd.DataFrame, cut: int = 0, label: str = 'TB1') -> pd.DataFrame: """Calculates buchholz score or sum of opponents score. This tie-break system is only applied for a tournament with swiss format. Args: record_df: A dataframe of tournament games records. rank_df: A dataframe with player ranking, initially at ['Name, Games, Score]. Later ['Name, Games, Score, Buchholz, ... tie-break system] cut: Cut the player opponent score, if cut is 0 the default then no one will be cut, this is the normal buchholz. If this is 1 then the lowest score will be cut. If this is 2 then the last two lowest scores will be cut. If value is -1 this is median or cut the highest and lowest. If value is -2 then cut the 2 highest and 2 lowest. Returns: A dataframe of name and buchholz score. """ ret = rank_df.copy() players = ret.Name.unique() tb: Dict[str, int] = {} for _, g in ret.groupby(['Score']): if len(g) > 1: for p in g['Name']: opp_scores = [] dfw = record_df.loc[record_df.White == p] for i in range(len(dfw)): opp = dfw.iloc[i]['Black'] dfm = rank_df.loc[rank_df.Name == opp] pts = dfm['Score'].iloc[0] opp_scores.append(pts) dfb = record_df.loc[record_df.Black == p] for i in range(len(dfb)): opp = dfb.iloc[i]['White'] dfm = rank_df.loc[rank_df.Name == opp] pts = dfm['Score'].iloc[0] opp_scores.append(pts) # Sort the opponents scores so we can determine what to cut. if cut != 0: opp_scores.sort(reverse=True) # high to low if cut > 0: # Apply Buchholz cut 1 or 2 and so on. opp_scores = opp_scores[:-cut] # Else apply Median Buchholz. else: # 1. Median Buchholz, cut the highest and lowest. # 2. Median Buchholz 2, cut the 2 highest and 2 lowest. opp_scores = opp_scores[-cut:cut] tb.update({p: sum(opp_scores)}) # Add Buchholz column. tbs: List = [] for p in players: if p not in tb: tbs.append(0) continue tbs.append(tb[p]) ret[label] = tbs # Sort tie-break scores. sort_columns = list(ret.columns) if 'Rating' in sort_columns: sort_columns.remove('Rating') sort_columns.remove('Games') sort_columns.remove('Name') sort_columns.append(label) sort_order = [False for _ in sort_columns] ret = ret.sort_values( by=sort_columns, ascending=sort_order ) ret = ret.reset_index(drop=True) return ret